Monday, June 23, 2014

Wreck This Journal- Day 2

Today we decided to go with the page that told us to drip something, close the book and make a print. The girls were yelling, "COME ON! We are ready to wreck our journal!" It took me a few moments to think of something they could use to drip on the page. Luckily I never put my craft supplies away and some yellow acrylic paint was sitting on the step.

Journal's appearance at the start of today. 



Big sister's turn. 
Those are some drips!

Closin' her up!

Seems like we have some extra. 

Turned into a giant yellow heart. Which the girls were happy about. 

Baby brother wanted in on the action. 

It was hard for me to not tell the girls to stop with the paint. My mama "don't make a giant mess, don't ruin this book" senses kicked in. I did stop myself though 
They were also upset that we were only able to complete one page today. I didn't think about doing other things with a bunch of yellow paint everywhere. We are currently waiting for the paint to dry. Hopefully that happens by tomorrow. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wreck This Journal- Day 1

I bought a one of these journals thinking it would be fun to do over the summer with my girls. They are 4&5, so some of the things are kind of over their heads,but I figured since it's going to be a collaborative effort, I will fill out those pages. 

The journal all shiny and new!

We started with the "crack the spine" page. 

Some jumping up and down occurred. Full spine crackage happening here. 

Next we moved onto the page that instructed us to tie a string around the book and drag it along for a walk. The neighbors may now think we are crazy. 
Oh no! A wet sidewalk. No worries. 

I hear the ice cream truck! Abandon journal. 

Dad said we could get ice cream from the previously mentioned truck. Must do a happy dance with journal. 

Your eyes are not broken. Children is really spelled completely wrong on the back of the ice cream truck. 

Journal is again abandoned. 

Books don't do well on walks....

The kids are excited about this book. Hopefully I can keep their interest and continue on the journey to journal completion.